Cookies Documentation

About our cookie policy

At Zoho SalesIQ, we use cookies to collect and analyze the visitor's data when they land on the website. This helps us provide the best user experience to the visitors on the website. Here, we will discuss what cookies we add to the site, what visitor metrics we track, for what purpose. 

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the visitor's computer or other internet-connected devices to identify your browser, provide analytics, remember information about your visitors, such as their language preferences. Learn more

Why does Zoho SalesIQ use cookies?

The cookies set by Zoho SalesIQ vary based on the functionality it provides. SalesIQ uses cookies to provide certain functionality of the chat widgets, such as storing the embed position on the screen, requesting tracking permission using GDPR. These cookies also help you manage visitor preferences to enhance the experience in the website/app based on their interest and needs. Cookies are also used for analytics and reporting purposes.

Why should JS API (.salesiq.domain()) in SalesIQ be enabled?

Javascript API (.salesiq.domain()) allows you to track the visitor’s data across sub-domains within the same domain. Also, the visitor's chat will be continued across the sub-domains without disconnecting. To know more, click here.

So, this data can be accessed through SalesIQ JS API and can be used in REST API
Cookie name and detailsTTLPurposeDomainIf JS API (.salesiq.domain())enabled
"zld"+<@lsid@>+"state"5 minsThis cookie stores the minimization and maximization state of an embed on the
"zld"+<@lsid@>+"dragpos"5 minsThis cookie stores the position of the embed on the
<@screenname@>+"-"+"_zldp"2 yearsThis cookie identifies the unique visitors for the
<@screenname@>+"-"+"_zldt"1 dayThis cookie identifies unique visits for a visitor in the
<@screenname@>+"-"+"_siqid"2 yearsThis cookie helps you track users across all
<@screenname@>+"-"+"_uuid"2 yearsThis cookie provides user id needed in REST API to get the data of the current
isiframeenabled1 dayThis cookie is set when the Live Chat feature is disabled by proactive chats/trigger/
"gdpr_"+<@screenname@>+"__donottrack"1 monthThis cookie stores the GDPR consent from the visitor - enable/disable
"gdpr_"+<@screenname@>+"_trackingconfig"1 monthThis cookie stores the GDPR consent configured in the SalesIQ
"zld"+<@lsid@>+"Article_"+<@article_id@>1 dayThe cookie stores if an article is liked or not by the
<@screenname@>+"-"+"mc_cid"1 dayThis cookie tracks Mailchimp details about the visitor via campaign id & member email's unique
<@screenname@>+"-"+"mc_eid"1 dayThis cookie tracks Mailchimp details about the visitor via unique id & member email's unique
"JSESSIONID"When the browsing session endsThis cookie is generated by servlet containers like Tomcat and used for session management for the HTTP protocolsalesiq.zohopublic.
"LS_CSRF_TOKEN"When the browsing session endsThis cookie is used for security purposes in order to avoid Cross-Site Request Forgery, (CSRF) for the AJAX calls made by the visitorsalesiq.zohopublic.
e3de1f7d42(random checksum)When the browsing session endsThis cookie is used for internal load balancing of SalesIQ serverssalesiq.zohopublic.
"shopifyat_"+<@lsid@>UndefinedUsed in the Shopify app to authenticate the SalesIQ API requestsalesiq.zoho.comNot Applicable
"fbpgsr_"+<@lsid@>UndefinedUsed in the Facebook app to authenticate the SalesIQ API requestsalesiq.zoho.comNot Applicable
_zldvfp6 monthsUsed to identify visitors referred from email campaignsxyz.domain.comNot Applicable
uesign1 monthThis cookie is used to manage the security of the applications.salesiq.zoho.comNot Applicable


Extra Cookies - JS API (.salesiq.domain()) enabled

Cookie nameCookie Domain
TTL: 310 seconds
Purpose: This cookie stores the Live Chat attender details and visitor details
TTL: Embed waiting time
Purpose: This cookie stores the waiting time of the chat time details for a chat
TTL: 120 seconds
Purpose: The cookie stores the remaining waiting time details for a chat
TTL: 310 seconds
Purpose: This cookie stores the trigger details when the visitor is contacted
TTL: 180 seconds
Purpose: This cookie stores if the chat translation is enabled or not
TTL: 180 seconds
Purpose: This cookie stores if the sound in the Live Chat is muted or not
TTL: 1 day
Purpose: This cookie stores the last fetched conversation's end time
TTL: 310 seconds
Purpose: This cookie stores the avuid unique id to denote a visitor
TTL: 30 days
Purpose: This cookie stores information if the IP is blocked or not
TTL: 180 seconds
Purpose: This cookie stores the attenderid
TTL: 180 seconds
Purpose: This cookie stores the wms session id



How can your visitors manage cookies?

Most browsers allow users to control and manage cookies by allowing them to choose their preferences under the Settings or Preferences tab of the respective browsers. However, please note that if your visitors disable the cookies, some features of the SalesIQ chat widget and tracking may not work as desired and may provide inaccurate results.

Browser manufacturers provide help pages relating to cookie management in their products. Please see below for more information.

If you have any queries or need any more information on cookies placed by the SalesIQ application, please email us at [email protected]

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